Copper peptide

Copper peptide
  • Molecular formula:C14H24N6O4
  • CAS:49557-75-7
  • Molecular Weight:
  • Purity:>97%
  • Appearance:
  • Packing:100g,1kg

Copper peptide, also known as blue copper peptide and three copper peptide, is a natural protein fragment with strong complexation ability with copper ions. When young, the level of copper peptide in human cells is about 200 μ G / ml, this level gradually decreases with age, and will drop to 80 in old age μ G / ml, studies have proved that copper peptide has good effects in delaying aging, promoting hair growth and accelerating wound healing. In recent years, it has been widely used in various anti wrinkle, whitening and hair care products.

Skin care effect:

The loss of collagen is usually the main cause of skin relaxation and deep wrinkles. Copper peptide can directly act on gene expression, promote the synthesis of type I collagen, repair skin aging damage caused by sunlight and oxidation, achieve multiple effects of tightening skin, smoothing wrinkles, eliminating eye bags, and restoring skin elasticity and luster.




Hair care:

Copper peptide can restore the function of damaged fibroblasts and neurons. On the one hand, it can promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. On the other hand, it can stimulate hair root hair follicles and generate new hair.




Promote wound healing

As a powerful tissue protection and anti-inflammatory agent, copper peptide can protect injured tissues from further damage by oxidation. Copper peptide factor can also transfer damaged protein and scar tissue and replace it with normal tissue, promote macrophages to flow into the injured site, release growth factor protein, and further accelerate wound healing on the basis of preventing wound infection.

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